Kumar Ramanathan

CEO & Managing Director, Positive Integers

Kumar Ramanathan is Founder, CEO & Managing Director of Positive Integers, Chennai, a company which provides new age Data Analytics platforms for Consumer Marketing.Positive Integers is working with large international clients, helping them change their marketing focus from traditional methods of reaching customer segments, to a behaviour analytics approach, studying online and offline behaviour patterns.

As Kumar explains,“the company operates in the converged space of Industry Capability,Technology and Math and works on the exciting and cutting edge area of Nano marketing (individual consumer centric marketing for an extremely large customer base) with the focus shifting to customer engagement through leveraging technology and understanding.”

A post graduate in Business Management from IIM, Ahmedabad and a post graduate in Economics from Delhi School of Economics, Kumar has played key leadership roles in ‘Marquee consumer companies’ like Britannia, Tetra Pak, Pepsi and Vodafone.At Pepsico(as a business head of one of the 7 Company owned operations- COBO), he was the First generation winner of the Global President’s ring of honour as well as first Indian recepient of the Chairman’s award in Pepsico.

In a span of over a decade with Vodafone India, Kumar was Chief Marketing Officer of the company and prior to that the Operations Director for South India Operations. During his tenure as CMO,Vodafone was twice voted the most admired marketing company in India by Economic Times and was also recognized as the crown jewel in VF operations across the globe on the back of its stellar revenue performance.VF also led the incremental revenue market share sweep stakes during this period. Later, he was Group Director Analytics&Commercial for the AMEAP region for Vodafone Global, straddling more than 20 countries.The remit was to set the stage for VF’s journey into Analytics to support the AMEAP region.This was necessitated by the changing global trends in consumer behaviour and Technology.

“I am deeply interested in Evangelising Analytics plus am academically oriented though from the fringes”, says Kumar Ramanathan, who is invited as a faculty by Tuck School of business (Rated as the #1 business school by the Economist) in their emerging market Immersion programme for full time MBA students.

He has spoken at the International leadership Consortium / Global leadership programs of Tuck School of Business, conducted by Prof Vijay Govindarajan.He is also a guest speaker in various Industry fora including CII / NASSCOM etc.


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