Mental Health Services : 3 reasons for taking Counselling help at InfinumGrowth

Mental Health Services : 3 reasons for taking Counselling help at InfinumGrowth

Ragini Rao

Psychotherapist, Trainer & Life Coach; Heal your Life Workshop Leader


InfinumGrowth online platform provides Mental Health online services such as Counselling, Psychotherapy and Group Therapy.

Counselling and Psychotherapy are key services to help move beyond issues that come up in life which tend to overwhelm us in different ways.

Anxiety, Stress, Low Self Esteem, Depression, Withdrawal etc are typical symptoms of mental health issues.

Working on these issues and symptoms helps move on with clarity of thought; and also builds the learning and skill for personal development.

Click on Mental Health Services at InfinumGrowth to know more about the services, see the Counselling/Psychotherapy team profiles and to book appointments.

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