Live the Hashtag Life – Enjoy being Versatile

Live the Hashtag Life – Enjoy being Versatile

Dr.Kanchi Das

Teacher at American School, Dubai


Hashtag#. Be that.

Brim with ideas. Start conversations, channel ideas to constructive debate and encourage others to translate those ideas into reality. This title may be linguistically young but let the functionality of working on multiple registers/platforms always define you. For a life of passion and meaning, try to dabble in different things, learn new skills, identify areas of improvement and work on them. Grow from these experiences, not only in terms of skills but also in terms of people skills.

Let the versatility of a hashtag to accommodate every kind of opinion help you evolve

Use the wonderful opportunity, that globalization and technology have offered us, to interact with a culturally diverse group of people, with different cultural perspectives and passions. Let these make you open-minded and help inculcate the ability to remain calm, patient and non-judgmental.

Hashtag as a colleague

The versatility of a hashtag is also instrumental in your role as a colleague, in your professional space and in your personal lives. Be flexible, eager to learn and grow as a resource person; uphold your company’s mission and vision in your work, possess good intra-personal skills, maintain positive and respectful relationships with peers and improve your experience in conflict resolution. The same flexibility, emotional intelligence, sense of respect and desire for personal growth should guide you in your personal lives.

Both in the office and in our personal lives, the hashtag comes with its own set of responsibilities and demands. Thus the dicta: evolve, stimulate, accommodate, be the voice of many, live post-modern; And ensure that it never sees redundancy. Explore, discover, quantify and qualify your opinions and perspectives.

Hashtags are often accused of character limitation, that steals meaning and coherence. Use this to define functionality, to streamline, to be efficient. That’s short for surviving all your hyphenated identities. In the professional space, this transmutes to Time Management, effective use of available resources, setting SMART goals, critical thinking, finely calibrated understanding and celebration of cultural differences.

The significance of hashtags depends on their relevance. Incorporate 21st century competencies, such as understanding that there is context for everything, appreciating the similarities and differences in cultures, transfer of skills, critical thinking, ability to ask questions, collaboration and conflict resolution. Additionally, triangulate data from various sources to inform your work and life. Set goals.

Hashtags are all about giving everyone a voice.

Give a voice to one who is often suppressed by louder ones or by the authoritarian ones. Encourage others to acknowledge that they have a “voice.” Liberate their ideas.

Hashtags are not just about trending topics; they also have an important civic function. Social media is a tool that we use to raise awareness and voice on social concerns. Discuss and passionately support core human values and build positive relationships with those around you. Facilitate a deeper understanding of civic duty and responsibility.

The hashtag is a typographical symbol for aspirations; it is a hungry octothorpe. Like this symbol, relish the challenge of conquering new professional and personal territories every day and of constantly evolving as an individual.

The hashtag is about loosening the traditional strictures of hackneyed thinking; it is about making life more meaningful and the world more sustainable. It is about learning to accept and respect differences. The hashtag gives you the ability to operate in multiple registers at once, dexterous in usage and global in reach.

Hashtag teaches you not only to grow as an individual but also to accept differences; and with this acceptance, comes happiness.



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DrSudarshan Ray
DrSudarshan Ray

Informative post.Thanks Kanchi.


Hello ms.Das
its JC from DIA hope you still remember me, it would be nice to catch up on everything soon 🙂
